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Koop: Mobile Wallet App

User Persona

Joe Takeishi

"I Just graduated from university and working in his own studio. Since I run my business in a very small team, I am in charge of all transactions. I do all of my transactions on the ATM, such as checking transfers from my clients and transferring my money to suppliers. "


  1. I have many cards in my wallet for multiple bank accounts and credit cards

  2. I have to manually log my income and expenses each months by collecting receipts and monitoring my bank balances

  3. I have to go to ATM to do money transfers to my suppliers everytime

Ideation Process

In the ideation process, i tried to understand Joe's problems deeply and trying to solve his problem. My solution based on his needs and trying to eliminate his problems.

"Create a wallet app that able to content multiple cards and the ability to log and track finances, while helping them to transfer their money easily"

I further develop my Ideas and started the wireframing process and designing the app directly. Since this case is an imaginary case, I would use the limited case and utilizing my assumption upon the design.


Final Prototype

Quick payment

Make it easy to do quick transactions in your favorite merchants that support NFC payment.


Avoid bulking your receipts collection at the end of the month. KOOP keeps you away from having a huge pile of receipt inside your wallet.


Easily track your expenses and income through one easy page. Allow yourself to set saving goals each month.


Make it easy to send money for bill payments and people around you.

Try it on Figma

Play with the high fidelity prototype in figma. You can explore all the screens and interactions design in this prototype. Enjoy! 🎉


This is one of my early work in UI/UX design. I am quite satisfied with the result. I able to explore app design and playing with bevel effects with the design, delivering a unique look on the app. Although,I realized that there are still so many things to learn. There are a lot of things that I am not quite satisfied, and I think, by learning further I could learn to design better.

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